A Respected Leader Who Will Get Politics Out of the Circuit Clerk’s Office

Lake County residents and those who interact with our courts rightfully demand accuracy, professionalism, and efficient service from the circuit court clerk. Instead, they are met with an inefficient office suffering from division and dysfunction due to a culture of politics and retribution.

Our current circuit clerk has brought Cook County style politics into Lake County. She fired 3 employees for not being politically loyal enough, creating a strained culture in the office and costing taxpayers $2.6 million after a wrongful termination lawsuit. She has increased spending to record levels, nearly doubled spending on taxpayer-funded trips, and spent over budget multiple times. Residents have even left negative online reviews stating their emails and calls go unanswered.

Lake County deserves better.

I am running for Lake County Circuit Court Clerk to restore the public’s trust by getting politics out of the office and getting things done for our taxpayers.

When I served as Lake County Clerk, I was widely known and respected for being a nonpartisan leader who ignored politics and instead focused on doing what’s right for the people of our county. I enhanced the office’s culture, provided our residents and government leaders with timely and accurate information, and safeguarded our taxpayer’s resources.

I will bring that record of professionalism and results to the circuit clerk’s office.

I will get politics out of the office.

The circuit court clerk is there to provide residents timely, accurate, and excellent customer service and ensure all county judicial systems and the county board are receiving what they need to keep our county functioning. Politics should play no role in the office. I will make it clear our focus is on public service, not politics.

It's time for a fresh start in the circuit court clerk’s office.

Staff should come to work eager to help our residents, not uncomfortable because of how the office is currently being run. When I was county clerk, we had among the highest employee satisfaction among any office in the entire county which led to better service for our residents. I’ll change the narrative about our office inside and out and lead by example to show our staff and residents they can depend on me and our office at any time.

I will also find ways to control spending to help working families

Raising 2 children as a single mother, I know what it’s like living within a budget and being responsible with every dollar. Right now, Lake County families are struggling to afford groceries, gas, and bills, yet the current circuit clerk keeps increasing spending. I will control spending while improving service. And I will ensure the office more effectively communicates to other government departments so our residents aren’t hit with unnecessary delays and fines that could further their financial hardships.

I am the best choice to restore the public’s trust and rid politics from the circuit clerk’s office, effectively modernize our services, and reduce our spending to help lessen the burden for our Lake County taxpayers.

Please vote for me, Carla Wyckoff, for Lake County Circuit Court Clerk so I can get things done for you.

Thank you.


I want to extend my deepest appreciation and a sincere thank you for your support of my campaign for Lake County Circuit Court Clerk.

From investing in and spreading our message to displaying yard signs to attending our events, I am genuinely grateful for your efforts in helping me and my campaign.

I congratulate our current circuit court clerk and wish her the best because I want good government no matter who’s in charge.

Again, I thank you for your support and belief in our campaign!

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Carla Wyckoff